Thanks for choosing to share your story with the FCC. Your Story submission provides you with the opportunity to comment (good or bad) on telecommunications issues or providers. The FCC shares Your Story internally to identify trends and inform policy making and potential enforcement activities.
By submitting Your Story you are NOT filing a consumer complaint. Your Story submission will not be served on your provider. You will not receive a response from the FCC or your provider after submitting Your Story.
If you want to file a consumer complaint about the issue you are experiencing, go to and choose from the six category buttons under File a Complaint (TV, phone, Internet, radio, emergency communications, access for people with disabilities).
Once you choose a category and fill in the required fields you can submit your complaint. If your complaint is about a telecommunications service or billing issue, the FCC will serve your complaint on your provider. Your provider has 30 days to provide you with a response to your complaint. We encourage you to reach out to your provider to attempt to resolve your issue prior to filing a consumer complaint.
Thanks for helping to further the FCC’s mission.