Approved by OMB 3060-0874 (Est. average burden per response is 15 minutes). Read Privacy Statement

Fields marked with * are required. The submit button will not be active until all required fields are completed.

Web browsers supported: Latest two versions of: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Your description is important to understanding your situation. Do not include any sensitive information, such as SSN, DOB, driver's license numbers, medical history, etc.

Scroll through the list to select the issue that best describes your complaint. For concerns about TRS (e.g., VRS or IP CTS) or disability access to phone services or equipment, please use the forms found at

If your state is not listed in the state field, you should first file a complaint with your state Public Utilities Commission. Please go to for information on how to file your complaint with your state Public Utilities Commission. If you choose to file a complaint with the FCC and your state is not listed, select Other from this field.

Select a sub issue that best describes your situation.

Select a sub issue that best describes your situation.

Select a sub issue that best describes your situation.

Select a sub issue that best describes your situation.

If yes, describe in the description field what personal information has been accessed, obtained or used and how you discovered it.

If yes, attach or describe the notice, include the date you received the notice and what it contained.

Select the option that best represents the type of call or message. You can also select "other" and type your response or select unknown if you do not know.

Please indicate the type of property, goods, or services that were advertised.

Please select how you receive your phone service.

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555

Are you a service provider filing on behalf of a customer?

You can click in the field to use a calendar to select a date. If you enter the date it must be in the following format: January 1, 2015

Examples of the time format are: 1:00 pm or 2:45 p.m. or 8:51 P.M.

Please provide the transmission date in the header line of the fax. You can click in the field to use a calendar to select a date. If you enter the date it must be in the following format: January 1, 2015

Please indicate the type of property, goods, or services that were advertised.

Have you or anyone else in your household or business given the fax advertiser permission to fax?

Have you or anyone else in your household or business done any business (including an inquiry or application) with the fax advertiser?

A copy of the fax must be attached to your submission. Please check the box to confirm that you are attaching a copy of the fax.

Please indicate the type of call or message received.

You can click in the field to use a calendar to select a date. If you enter the date it must be in the following format: January 1, 2015

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555. If the phone number you are reporting is an international phone number that does not match this format, please provide it in the Additional Information field below.

Please enter the name received on the Caller ID.

Only provide information received during the call/message itself, and not information received through Caller ID.

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555. If the phone number you are reporting is an international phone number that does not match this format, please provide it in the Additional Information field below.

Please select the company that is the subject of your complaint. If the company is not listed, select "other" and provide the name of the company.

If you selected other from the list of Company Names, please provide the company name here. Also, attach a recent bill/statement by selecting Attachments at the bottom of the form.

Please select the other company that is the subject of your complaint in instances including number portability and rural call completion. If the company name is not listed in the drop down, select "other" from the list and provide the name of the other company.

If you selected other from the list of Company Names, please provide the company name.

Please enter your account number, if applicable.

Please check the box to confirm that the phone is a wireline phone. Only wireline phones are subject to the FCC's slamming rules. Wireless and VOIP services are not. In that case, instead select Billing as the Phone Issue above.

A copy of your phone bill would be helpful to resolve your complaint. Please check the box if you are attaching a copy of your phone bill.

Please indicate if your phone number is a residential or business telephone.

Please provide the name of your authorized local telephone provider

Please provide the name of your authorized long distance telephone service provider that the service was changed from.

Please indicate whether you are back with your authorized telephone company

Please indicate if any of the disputed charges were paid.

Please indicate if the disputed charges were adjusted or refunded.

Please enter two decimal places

Please enter amount to two decimals. For example, 10.25.

Please provide any more information you would like to share about this call or your interactions with this company.

If you have a PO Box, please enter it in this field.

The format of the zip code can be: 20850 or 20850-1234

Please enter the phone number in the following format 555-555-5555

Please indicate whether you are filing this on behalf of someone else.

The format of the zip code can be: 20850 or 20850-1234

I declare under penalty of perjury that (1) I am over 18 years old, (2) I am authorized to make decisions regarding the telephone number listed below, and (3) the information I have provided today on this Federal Communications Commission electronic form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.

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